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19th Atlantic Dream Machine Show and Shine Open to All Cars, Trucks, and Vans
3164 Brackley Point Rd Brackley Beach Registration 8 am show 10-3
Largest Grassroots Car Show Join us for the most thrilling automotive extravaganza of the spring! Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2024.... * Special cruise-in on Saturday May 18th Time TBA Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Location: Brackley Drive-In Pre-Register Now! https://www.simpletix.com/e/brackley-drive-in-dream-machine-and-hot-ro-tickets-145323 Rev up your engines and mark your calendars because the Brackley Drive-In Dream Machine Show and Shine is back! Get ready to witness a jaw-dropping display of classic cars, sizzling hot rods, and awe-inspiring street machines that will leave you dreaming! Classic cars that take you back in time. Exciting competitions and awards for the best rides. Groove to live music from 30 Russel and enjoy a fun-filled atmosphere. Delicious food and refreshing beverages to satisfy your cravings. Whether you're a die-hard car enthusiast, a family looking for a fantastic day out, or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of well-crafted automobiles, this event is for YOU! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to connect with fellow car lovers, swap stories, and admire the incredible automotive creations that will be on display. New this year, the show will be a two-day event. May 18th ( Free cruise-in Optional) We will meet up at the Brackley Drive-In at 12:00 Pm and go for a cruise. Option #1 Ice Cream Cruise: We will travel the Central Coastal region stopping by some of the best Ice Cream Shops on PEI. Option #2 Lobster Roll Cruise: We will travel the Central Coastal region check out and maybe sample who has the best lobster roll. This will be a great time to meet up with old friends and make new ones. Admission Information Car Exhibitors: $20 per vehicle: includes one car 2 to admission tickets *Pay at the gateGeneral Admission: $5 per person (12 and under FREE) Limited spots are available, so register your car or secure your tickets in advance to avoid disappointment! Pre-Register at www.drivein.ca or https://www.simpletix.com/e/brackley-drive-in-dream-machine-and-hot-ro-tickets-145323 Facebook: https://fb.me/e/6MyOVw18i Website: https://www.drivein.ca
Bob Boyle Phone #: 9023933012 Email: bdrivein@gmail.com Poster (Jpeg): Dream car show (1).jpg
1st Island Revved's 1st annual automotive show, 46 Kensington Rd, Charlottetown. Registration: 11 am, Show 11 - 5. We are proud to announce we will be hosting our first car show at the Eastlink Centre in Charlottetown. Part of all proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association of PEI, a cause that all of our members are very passionate about. We hope to see you there! Registration for indoor vehicles is now closed however you can still contact us by email for outdoor information: islandrevved@gmail.com Admission is only 10$, and children 10 and under can collect a free wristband at the door There will be a food vendor, prizes for vehicles, and giveaways for spectators during the show. Website, Facebook, Poster.
9th West Point Volunteer Fire Department 21st Annual Show n Shine Car Show, West Point Harbourside Center.
Registration: 10 am, Show: 12 -4. Cost is $10 per vehicle. Open to all makes and models, new and old, cars, trucks, vans, large trucks, motorcycles, antique engines, and antique tractors, New this year, Swap Meet, Bring your own table. Prizes in all classes and canteen on site all day.
Contact Don: 902-303-5867 or Gerald at: 902-859-3400 or 902-315-1457
15th Miltonvale Park 2nd Annual Fathers of Confederation Car Show, (Rain Date Jun 16th), 2744 North York River Road -Rte 248, Milton Station. Registration: 11 am, Show 12 - 4. Registration is $20 (day of) or $15 in advance. Proceeds are being raised for the Upper Room Hospitality Ministry (Food Bank). Admission is $2 per person or $5 per family or donations to the Food Bank. Thank you to the North Rustico Food Market who has donated food for the canteen, which will be hosted by the Winsloe Lions Club. Live music. Plaques for Best in Show, People's Choice, Best Mopar, Best Ford, Best GM, Best Import, Best Tractor, Best Engine, Best Interior, Best Motorcycle, Best Pre 60's and Best Paint.
Pre-Registration, Website, Facebook, Poster
28-30th 44th Annual Show n Shine, Old Brudenell Park, Brudenell. Hosted by PEI Street Rod Association. Public viewing, June 29 n 30, from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is, Adults 5 dollars, and Under 12 is Free. Website, Poster.
18th 3rd Annual Runway Road Show for Camp Phoenix, 30 Aerospace Blvd, Slemon Park. Registration: 9 am, Show 11 - 4.
This camp helps children from ages 7-14 living with type 1 diabetes experience an overnight camp while learning valuable life skills and connecting with other children with the same illness. All vehicles big and small are welcome! There will be food vendors, big rigs, music and more so stay tuned for future announcements! Come out and support this great cause while checking out the cool rides!
24th Cymbria Lions Club Classic Car Show (Rain Date Aug 25th), 2184 Church Rd. Rustico. Registration: 9 am, Show 12 - 4. It's the 9th show and attracts 200+ registered cars and 1000 visitors. Food and drinks are available. Washrooms in the club and the lounge will be open. Lots of door prizes for participants and "People's Choice" trophy
1st Brackley Drive-In Street Machine & Hot-Rod, 11th Annual Car Show Open to all Cars, Trucks, and Vans 3164 Brackley Point Rd
Registration Time: 8:00 AM Show Time: 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Get ready to rev up your engines and cruise on over to the Brackley Drive-In, Street Machine, and Hot-Rod Show. September 1, 2024! 10 am to 3 pm Pre-register at bit.ly/49O28CB Join us for a day filled with classic cars, hot rods, and vintage vibes at one of the coolest events of the year! From sleek muscle cars to roaring engines, there's something for every car enthusiast to enjoy. Bring your family and friends for a day of nostalgia, great music, delicious food, and jaw-dropping rides! Groove to live music from 30 Russel and enjoy a fun-filled atmosphere right here at Brackley Drive-In. The parade of Thunder will return. Does your car have the best snap, crackle, and pop exhaust system? We will put it to the test at center stage and hear if it does. Mark your calendars and start shining those wheels! We can't wait to see you there! Email bdrivein@gmail.com pre-register at bit.ly/49O28CB Website: https://www.drivein.ca Facebook: https://fb.me/e/4p2Sq8nkx
14th 1st Annual Centennial Motor Show, (Rain date 15th Sep), Every brand, every era is invited. Centennial Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, 5128 AA MacDonald Hwy, Montague. Registration: 11 am, Show 12 - 4.
We're hosting our very first car show! Even though we're so excited about being a part of the Mopar family, this event is for everybody! Vehicle Registration will be $20 and all proceeds will be donated to the Montague Lions Club. Spectator admission will be a non-perishable food donation. We will be collecting for the Montague Food Bank. E-Mail: kelly@centennialautogroup.ca
21st (New Date) The FOLD presents Back to Basics 4, At the Eastlink Center Charlottetown The FOLD welcomes any and all car enthusiasts to our indoor car show at the Eastlink show
Website: https://linktr.ee/thefold
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/forourloveofdriving?mibextid=ZbWKwL
contact Name: Aron Mac thefold902@gmail.com
Cruise In's
Downtown Summerside Classic Car Nights! Every Friday evening from June 30 to September 1 from 6:30-9:30pm (weather permitting)
Cruise in/meet Wednesday evenings at the Tim Hortons on St. Peters road in Chtown.

July 9-13 2025 Atlantic Nationals This is going to be a Bucket List, Car-Loving, 5 day weekend that you won’t want to miss. It’s your chance to enjoy some of our famous Maritime hospitality, make new friends, and reconnect with old ones in scenic downtown Moncton, New Brunswick. We welcome upwards of 2,000 vehicles from all across the continent and beyond.​ The Atlantic Nationals is organized by a team of dedicated car enthusiasts who work tirelessly, without remuneration, for the satisfaction of a job well done
Show Schedule Atlantic Nationals Website HERE Facebook NEWS page Facebook Fanpage group