FB=Facebook Link / WS= Website Link
19-21st Radical Speed Sport Visit www.radicalspeedsport.com for Registration
Contact Joe joe@radicalspeedsport.com
Location: 377 Killam Dr Moncton at the Coliseum
Speedsport is one of Canada's largest high performance motorsport expos! See over 300 street rods, street machines, custom cars, race cars, trucks and motorcycles. Talk one-on-one with high performance and accessory experts and service related companies at over 60 commercial exhibits.​ Show hours:
Friday, April 19, 2024 - 2pm to 9pm
Sat, April 20, 2024 - 10am to 9pm
Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 10am to 5pm
26th Maritime Moto Show, (Rain Date: 2-Jun), 223 Main Street, Sackville, Registration: 12:30 pm, Show: 1 - 3. The 3rd annual Maritime Moto Show is happening at Tantramar Regional High School, We are trying an earlier date because the end of the school year can be busy, so please share this post with anyone who might be interested! This event is organized by students in our Essential Skills Program, which helps young people get a career in a skilled trade. We've had 135 vehicles out in the first two shows and this year, we're hoping to beat that! There will be a show + shine for anyone who is passionate about showing off their car, truck, or motorcycle, and we welcome spectators to come along for the fun! Admission to enter a vehicle, or attend the event, is a $5 minimum donation and the funds raised will go towards helping students in our program. Vehicle Contest - Canteen - 50/50 - Door Prizes - NBCC Mobile Training Centre on display - And More! Pre-registration helps make planning for this event easier, but you can also register on the day of the event. To pre-register, click here.
E-Mail: adam.nikolas2007@gmail.com
1st 24th Annual Hoyt Car Show, 6673 Route 101, Hoyt. Registration: 10 am Show: 10-3, Hosted by the Lower Valley Region, NB Antique Auto Club Inc. at the Patterson Settlement Historical Society Grounds. Admission is FREE for General Public, Canteen, Entertainment, 50/50 Draw Bring & Buy Auction at 1 pm (cash only) A portion of the proceeds to go to the Patterson Settlement Historical Society
Contact Henry Daigle: 506-363-3910, E-Mail: nhd127@rogers.com
2nd 18th Annual Petty AutoFest, Open to all classes of vehicles - all welcome. 5 Hooper Lane, Petitcodiac. Registration starts at 9 am, show time is 9 am to 3 pm. Registration by donation, free to the General Public (donations accepted). Dash plaques and grab bags for the first 100 cars. BBQ / Music / 50/50 draw on site.
For more info contact: Paul Forgrave (506-852-3102) or MMHF office (506-756-2110)
2nd 2nd Annual Gavin Palmer Memorial Show & Shine, 42 Rte 617, Burtts Corner, Registration: 12 pm Show 1 - 3:30. Preregistration encouraged Email to mccannh148@gmail.com. No registration fee. T-shirt sales and donations for the scholarship fund at NHS in memory of Gavin. Washrooms, canteen on site. Poster
8th Annual Reg Sears Memorial Show and Shine All welcome 384 St George Street Sussex, Registration: 11 am Show 11-3, Raising money to send kids to camp Mary Sesrs Phone #: 5064350397 Email: twohot7@hotmail.com
Poster (Jpeg): inbound2992912443566616440.jpg
9th ACE Second Annual Minto Car Show (Rain date 8 Sep), All invited, 19 Centennial Dr, Minto. Registration: 11 am, Show 11 - 3. All enthusiast cars welcome! Free registration at the door or call Parts City Minto (327-4455) to pre-register. Spectator entry by donation. All proceeds are donated to MMHS for the high school car club. Prizes and awards will be given out! Food Truck and vendors will also be available!
Cancelled Due to Weather 15th annual Napa Auto Parts/Best Western Plus Hotel Car Show, 205 Tamarack Road (Behind DC ELECTRIC), Woodstock. Registration: 9 am, Show: 11 -3.
Do you have an Antique Vehicle, Snowmobile, or Motorcycle? We Want You! Our vehicles are special to us for lots of reasons. For many of us, our first car was our first love that we longed for and worked hard to obtain. Join us, at our BRAND-NEW LOCATION. Proceeds go to the Whalen Brown Family and Sanctuary House. Other Fun - Cotton Candy/Toolbox Draw/ Prizes/Live Music/BBQ Special Rates at the Best Western Plus Hotel and Conference Centre by Calling 506-328-2378. Facebook, Poster
15th 2nd Annual YFC AUTOFEST 2024 Application-based indoor show 361 Symthe Street (Capital Exhibit Center)
This is our Second annual show. It’s an application-based show in which applications are live until March 10th. It’s a show more focused around tuner and sports cars but we do have a growing section of muscle cars & classics. It was a big event last year with about 200 cars and 2000+ spectators with cars inside and outside that were pre-approved. The event works by loading in indoor cars Friday night and having the cars ready for Saturday with the outdoor cars rolling in around 10 am with all leaving around 5 pm. This would be a great touch to see more folks at the show as spectators or in the show with their vehicles through the help of being on Winnie’s list. Please reach out to me via email or text if you have any questions or concerns or need any additional information. Thank you Website: https://www.yfcautofest.com/
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/YFCAUTOFEST?mibextid=tPfjzR
Name: Alex Chiasson Contact Phone #: 5068971422 Email: alex.chiasson778@gmail.com
Poster (Jpeg): Untitled design.jpeg
15th Fundy Shores- Summer Kick-off party, 31 Malcolm Meehan Road, Musquash. Show Time: 10 - 12. We are doing a farmers' market, BBQ, and Car show. We are a newly established municipality looking to provide some events to the community. No registration necessary and all are invited. Poster
16th Ford Country Club Father's Day Car Show, All invited, Caseley Park, Riverview. Registration starts at 9 am, Show time 9 am to 3 pm. Auction, 50/50 draws, and canteen on site. For show info contact: Denis Carrier 506-866-8599, Poster
22nd 2nd Annual Cruise to Omni (Rain date 23rd June), 230 John St, Moncton, registration 10 am, Show time 11 am to 3 pm, all invited. Join us for this fun family event! Our donations this year will be supporting Hospice SENB. We will have dash plaques and swag bags for the first 50 registrants! We'll have live music, a charity BBQ, a bouncy castle, face painting, ice cream truck, and more! To register your vehicle or for more information, please contact: Shauna Spudik, Life Enrichment Coordinator at 506-389-0100 ext. 8511 Poster
30th Car Show, Lakeside Campground on Grand Lake. 5913 NB-105, Mill Cove. The show's start time is 11 am. Come for the day or book a campsite for the weekend! Bring your vehicle, a cooler with food, and a chair, and enjoy being by beautiful Grand Lake. You might even enjoy going for a swim. Canada Day is a time of celebration so you might be surprised at what is happening here.
Get a group together and come enjoy the old (some everyday ones too) vehicles parked on the grass overlooking the lake.
Let us know if you are interested in attending so we have an idea of how many to plan for. E-Mail Sue at esteemnb@gmail.com
7th Lupin Quilt Fair & Craft Market Plus Car Show! All invited, 33 Moore Rd, Port Elgin. Registration: 12 pm Show 1 - 3. We have a 2 day Quilt & Craft Market that is hosted by Pedvac. (Port Elgin District Volunteer Action Council) Pedvac is a non-profit organization that has been helping the community for 40 years! We operate a food bank, second-hand boutique, tax preparation, literacy program, school lunch program and the list goes on...... July 6 & 7 are our dates this year. Our goal is to have a wonderful display of any antique, restored classic or new model vehicles. We have 3 prizes donated so far and are thrilled to offer something for everyone! The Port Elgin Rotary is hosting a BBQ on July 7th and a canteen provided by the Port Elgin Regional School is open both days, for lunch, refreshments etc. Admission to the Market is $3.00, car/truck entries are by donation only. E-mail: pedvacfoundation@gmail.com
20th 3rd Annual Crusin for Cats car show, Blackville Park..11-3 registration by donation Facebook
20th Complex Union: Roll Call, all makes, 99 Station Street, Saint John. Registration: 9 am, Show 11 - 5. Premium quality awards, Curated media team, After-movies, Photo challenges, Hourly prize giveaways Merchandise & food vendors on site.
Website, Facebook, Poster. E-Mail: sales@complexunion.ca
20th Fredericton Co-op 1st Annual Car Show, 170 Doak Rd, Fredericton. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3. Free Registration, all Vehicles welcome, there will be a BBQ and draws throughout the day! E-Mail: pking@frederictoncoop.nb.ca
21st 6th Annual Keswick Landing Car Show, Open to all vehicles, 10 Yerxa Lane, Keswick. Registration: 11 am, Show 11 - 3. To recognize Automotive Heritage Month. In place of a registration fee, we will accept a donation to the Salvation Army. Celebration cake served at 1 pm Keswick Bakery will be open offering fresh baked goods. Keswick Pharmacy is also on-site and open for the afternoon. Washroom facilities.
E-Mail: montebarbm@gmail.com, Poster
27th 13 Annual Cruise to Shediac (Rain Date: 10-Aug-2024) 230 Belliveau Beach Rd, Shediac. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3.
Music, barbecue, goody bags with 2025 car calendar for first 200 registered. $20 registration goes to the local food bank. 2 cars show in one see the F Body Beach Bash show info for more info, Poster
E-Mail: 2018texaco@gmail.com
27th 1st Annual F-Body Club Beach Bash (Rain Date: 10-Aug-2024) All Camaros and Firebirds, Belliveau Beach Rd, Across from Neptune Theatre (beside Gulf Gas Station) Shediac. Registration 10 am show 10-3. Cruise after from Shediac to Moncton. Pictures of car in front of the World’s Largest Lobster. FREE entrance. A $20 "goodie" bag is available for our Club attendees at the gate. All proceeds go to the local food bank. BRING CASH, no Interac onsite.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/knE3JZD9jhgHpy97/?mibextid=oFDknk
Name: Melanie Perry Phone #: 5063804198 Email: melanie.perry@igt.com
27th 28th Annual Old Home Week Show N' Shine, Classic Car Show, NEW LOCATION Moved to 69 Mosher Hill Road., St. Martins. Registration: 9 am,
Show 10 - 3. Prizes, Fans Choice, and Best in Class.
28th Old Iron Car Show, 123 King St, St Stephen. Registration: 8 am, Show 10 - 3. All invited, Door prizes, BBQ.
26th Rock'in the Corner - 108 Penobsquis Loop Rd, Penobsquis Car Show (rain date 28th) All invited Registration 4 pm Show 5-8 pm You`re welcome for an evening of excitement and impact! We're hosting a car show and concert to support We Believe, a local organization empowering young individuals to create positive change in our communities. Enjoy the incredible performance by Crystal Marie Taber, from Boston, Mass.. Admission to concert with suggested donation is $10pp Car Show is free for everyone. Contact: Daniel Foote daniel.foote@nbed.nb.ca 5064342254 www.webelieve.ca
28th 12th Annual Codiac Classic Car Show, Main Street, Petitcodiac. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 2. Registration by donation; 1st 100 registrations receive a dash plaque; Petitcodiac Legion Breakfast 8 am to 11 am; Kiwanis BBQ; 50/50 ; Prizes; Spectators free; Contact Robert Dunham: 506-871-9485
3rd Minto Second Annual Car Show, 52 Park Street (Gilbert Park), Minto, Registration: 9 am, Show 11 - 3, RAIN OR SHINE, Registration is free. Entrance by donation All proceeds go to MMHS for the car club Food trucks and Vendors will be on site. Lots of prizes and awards available. Facebook, Poster.
4th Come home week 3rd annual show & shine All invited 49 Prides Landing Road Fredericton junction Reg: 9 am show 10-1 This is a fun car show at the tri-county complex for all vehicle types are welcome, there will be a 50/50 draw, door prizes, and trophies, registration is by donation with proceeds going to the village of Fredericton Junction to help with come home week activities, come on out and show us your rides and have fun. Jason McCaw, Phone #: 506-471-0661 Email: tat2z@rogers.com Poster (Jpeg): IMG_2838.jpeg
4th Classic Car Show On Main Street, Tracadie. Lots of door prizes, 3 plaques for winners 1st 2nd 3rd. Registration at 8 am, show from 8 am to 6 pm on Main Street. Everyone welcome, $10 entry fee. E-mail: stevechiasson71@gmail.com Poster ​
4th New Brunswick Antique Auto Club Annual Jamboree Car Show, 111 Water Street, Saint John. Registration: 12:30 pm Show 1 - 4.
The NB Antique Auto Club is holding its Annual Jamboree Car Show in Saint John at the Cruise Ship Terminal Parking Lot, right on the waterfront. All classic/antique cars are welcome. The AREA 506 music festival will be happening at the same time. As well, the new boardwalk has recently been opened so there will be lots to do in Uptown Saint John. Website
10th Life at the Lakes Car Show, Pines Conservation Park, Bridge Drive, Cambridge-Narrows. All Invited. Registration: 9 am Show: 11 - 3.
Food vendors, prizes for exhibitors. Many exhibits and events are within walking distance. Website, Facebook, Poster.
E-Mail: tomnisbet@xplornet.ca​
9-11 Fredrod Custom Car Show All auto enthusiasts are invited 575 Officers Square, Queen Street Fredericton Great live entertainment. Great prizes. And surprise celebrity appearances Please share and we encourage you to register in advance. FredRod Custom Car Show is; Friday, August 9, 6 pm to 10 pm Saturday, August 10, noon to 10 pm Sunday, August 11, noon to 4 pm Vehicles will be able to enter 4 hours before opening each day Weekend advance registration before July 3 is $25. After July 3rd registration is $40 Single Day advance registration before July 3 is $10. At the show, the registration is $20 Limited space at Officers Square, downtown Fredericton in the new event park so advance registration is recommended. There will be door prizes and special appearances by Mike Hall, and the cast of Rust Valley Restorers!! The car show is a fundraiser for the Chalmers Foundation
Mike Vokey 5064710374 Email: fredrodcarshow@gmail.com IMG_2874.jpeg
17th Capital City Car Show 65 Brunswick Street Fredericton (Rain Date: 18-Aug) Show Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Registration Time: 10:00 AM Bring your car, bring your family, bring your friends, and join us for the car show this Summer! All makes & models welcome. $10/car registration & spectators are by donation. We have cars, food, vendors, and more! Don't miss out!
Contact: Janina Email Phone #: 5062069538 Facebook Website
24th Downey Ford Show & Shine, All Ford Show & Shine, all Ford, Lincoln & Mercury Vehicles, 35 Consumers Drive, Saint John.
Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 2. All Ford Show with Dash Plaques for all Ford, Mercury & Lincoln vehicles, Trophies for Particpants' Choice 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place. Door Prizes. For more info contact Alex Kilpatrick - Event Manager 506-755-0399. Poster
1st 25e Rendez-vous Show & Shine, 29, Avenue du Carrefour, Caraquet. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3. $25/car with dinner or $10/car.
Special Guest. LYNN CORMIER RACING! 50/50, Cantine, Music, tire change competition! Blowout @3h Prizes & Awards @3h30 Parade @4h Drive-In @9PM. Poster QR Code
7th 4th annual Trevor McCaw Memorial Show and Shine (rain date 8th) All invited 712 Broad Road Geary Reg 9am Show 10-1 This is a memorial car show for my brother who passed in 2001 while working on his stock car, we are raising money to donate in his honor to our community to help build a seniors complex, All vehicles are welcome to come on out show us your rides and have fun Jason 506-471-0661
Contact Email: tat2z@rogers.com
Poster (Jpeg): IMG_2799.jpeg
14th Rides@Rockwood & Touch a Truck 9th annual show (rain date 15th) 142 Lake Dr S, Saint John. Registration Time: 9 am show 9 - 5.
All vehicles are invited. Burnout competition starts at 4 o’clock. Draw for a CF Moto 950 Z Force side-by-side, 50/50 draw and toolbox draw. The first 200 cars get a dash plaque goody bag. Website E-Mail: ridesatrockwood@outlook.com ​Poster
14th 1st Annual Paws to the Pedal, Neptune Drive-In Theatre - 691 Main Street, Shediac. Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 3. All invited. 100% of proceeds are going to our local animal shelter (Paws of Moncton) formerly known as the Greater Moncton SPCA. Facebook, Poster.
15th 11th Annual Renaud’s Mill Show and Shine, All invited, 541 Chemin Renaud’s Mill Road, St Antoine,
Registration Time: 9 am Show time 10-3 Dash plaques. Cash prizes. Bbq. Plaques. Music. Raising money for the Tree of Hope.
Facebook Paul LeBlanc Phone #: 506-863-8051 E-Mail: katelyn_joyce63@hotmail.com
21st 2024 Stanley High School Auto Club Show & Shine (rain date 22nd) All invited Registration Time: 9 am, show 10 - 3, Classics, customs, projects come show them off. Everyone welcome!! All funds raised with go to our Stanley High School Auto Club.
Michael Valk Phone #: 5064783066 Email: michael.valk@nbed.nb.ca , Facebook
Poster (Jpeg): 0D530D56-C5E0-40D3-AA47-763B04DC5862.png
22nd Valley Cruisers 43rd Annual Show and Shine (rain date 29th Sep) all invited, Registration Time: 8 am, show 9 - 2, Rothesay Superstore, 115 Campbell Dr. Unit B, Rothesay, Music, food, awards, door prizes, cash auction in support of Local Children's Charities, 50/50
22nd Cap-Acadie Cruisers 1st Annual Car Show, 1360 route 133 Grand-Barachois, Cap-Acadie. Registration: 10 am, Show 11 - 3.
There is an 8 - 11:30 am community breakfast at the Grand-Barachois Hall (5 min drive from show location). There will be on-site vendors, canteen/food trucks, kid's corner and so much more. Facebook, Poster
28th Elm City Fall Classic Show and Shine (rain date 29th Sep) All Invited, 361 Smythe Street, Fredericton. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 2.
Formerly Capital City Cruise In. Sponsored by Nashwaaksis Lions Club and NBAAC Lower Valley Region. All proceeds will go to Portage Atlantic. Registration by Donation. 50/50, Door Prizes, and more. Open to the General Public.
For more info, Please text Jeremy Phillips at 506-471-5736
6th Rhys’ Run, All invited, 377 Killam Drive, Moncton. Registration Time: 9:00 AM.
Meet at the Moncton Coliseum, $20 registration, Cruise the Route to a show, BBQ, and silent auction. All proceeds to The Moncton Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

9-13 2025 Atlantic Nationals This is going to be a Bucket List, Car-Loving, 5 day weekend that you won’t want to miss. It’s your chance to enjoy some of our famous Maritime hospitality, make new friends, and reconnect with old ones in scenic downtown Moncton, New Brunswick. We welcome upwards of 2,000 vehicles from all across the continent and beyond.​ The Atlantic Nationals is organized by a team of dedicated car enthusiasts who work tirelessly, without remuneration, for the satisfaction of a job well done
Show Schedule Atlantic Nationals Website HERE Facebook NEWS page Facebook Fanpage group