20th 2nd Annual Victoria Day Car Show at The Hub (Formerly Truro Mall) Everyone Welcome 245 Robie St. Reg: 10am show 10-2 Get your rides ready for the first big car show of the season. All vehicles welcome. The show will be in the mall parking lot in front of Pet Smart, overflow parking at Stuart Kia. There will be a DJ and Food Truck onsite as well as access to the mall facilities. No registration fees. We will have something "special" for the first cars to register, while quantities last. There will be over $3,000 in door prizes to be drawn for.
Kevin Grant Phone #: 19029863421 Email: kgrant@pm-co.ca
26th Northside Boys Season Opener, All car enthusiasts welcome, Sydney Mines Fire Hall (Elliot Street). Registration: 4 pm, Show 4 - 9 The cars are starting to come out. Let's start the year off the right way with the Northside Boys Season Opener in Sydney Mines NS. This event is always jam-packed with food/entertainment and badass cars!!! You won't want to miss this one. Email: thenorthsideboys@gmail.com
POSTPONED to June 9th Apple Blossom Festival Car Show, All invited, 65 Saxon St, Centreville. Registration: 9 am, Show: 10-3. A signature part of the 90th annual Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival, the Car Show returns in 2024! All makes and models are welcomed! Category prizes and trophies to be awarded! Food trucks on site. Poster
E-Mail: loganmorse@live.ca
POSTPONED To June 9th AutoMania All invited (rain date June 9) 66 Otter Lake Court Halifax Registration 12pm Show 1-4 I'm having a car show at Steele Wheels to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy which I happen to be affected by. Facebook Cody Rodgers Phone #: 9022294449 Email: wheelife@hotmail.com Poster: 430206182_1064915897908762_7959711230972511414_n.jpg
2nd Cape Breton Classic Cruisers Wheels and Deals. Centre 200, 481 George St., Sydney NS. All vehicles welcome. Contact - Brenda Alexander 902-304-6458. All vehicles being parked inside will be parked on Saturday, June 1 starting at 9 am (spaces are limited). Pre-register to secure your spot. The show will take place on Sunday, June 2. Fee for the show is $20.00 inside and $10.00 outside. Swap meet tables $20.00. There will be activities for young and old. Grand prizes for participants, 50/50 draw. This event is one we host in support of the Hospice Palliative Care Society of Cape Breton. FB Website
8th Truckokogy’s Show N Shine, All invited, Registration: 11 am, Show: 11 - 5, Victoria St, Downtown Amherst
8-9th Pictou County Show and Shine, Scott Weekes recreation field exit 25 off TransCanada 104 New Glasgow, show time is 10 to 4 Saturday and Sunday, registration starts at 9. No admission for participants with their vehicles. General admission is five dollars per person children under 12 are free if accompanied by an adult.
Any questions, contact Lauchie at 902-925-2503 or Eric at 902-396-7723.
15th Ritchie Gilby Memorial Car Show (Rain Date: 16th) Classic car show, all cars invited. 1076 Hwy 2 Lantz, Registration 6 am show 8-4 Participating cars are FREE Admission for Spectators $5 Located in a HUGE Pavement Parking Lot at the Lantz rink parking lot. This is an all-day event with live music and food onsite. Contact: Suzanne Gilby: 902-220-4280, Jeff Bannister: jeffbannister77@gmail.com
POSTPONED to June 16th Avon View High School Football Fundraiser Car Show (Rain date 16th Jun), Classic, Custom and New, 225 Payzant Dr. Windsor, Registration: 10:30 am, Show: 11 - 2. This is our second annual football fundraiser for the Avon View High School football team to help with the cost of new equipment. We will have a porta-potty on site this year as well as a BBQ, 50/50, Silent Auction, and Awards for best in show Classic, Custom, and New We would love to exceed the 100 cars we had last year and thank you in advance for your support!
Contact Kelly Doyle: 902-385-8945, E-Mail: kellybr1971@gmail.com
POSTPONED to June 16th, 37th annual Auto Fest (Rain date 16th Jun), 50 Dufferin Street, Bridgewater, Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3. Exhibition Grounds In Bridgewater NS. 50 Dufferin St. Inside parking is $25.00 per car, first come first served, no reservations. Food vendors on site, flush washrooms, kids activities, and prizes. Cash prizes and draws for participants as well as 50/50. Bake table and vendors inside and out, Shriners on-site with tickets to sell on Camaro convertible. Participants voluntarily donate to the Red Cross. Spectators $3.00 per person children free under 12 years old. Everyone welcome. E-Mail: brendamackay1979@gmail.com
16th 22nd Annual Father’s Day Antique Car Show (Rain Date 23 Jun), Memory Lane Heritage Village 5435 Clam Harbour Road, Lake Charlotte. Registration: 9-12, Show 10-3. Spectator Fee $7.00 per person, Children under 12 are free, 10 am Open to the public, 1 pm Kub Kar Race with Prizes (kits available in gift shop), 3 pm Trophies Awarded. Hourly Draws for Participants & Spectators. All vehicles must be 1990 and older. Dash Plaques & Goodie Bags will be given to the first 100 vehicles registered. All registered Antique Vehicle Drivers and one Passenger receive free admission to the village and complimentary coffee or tea. Food Service Onsite BBQ and Snacks Available. Live Music in the Clam Factory.
Please Note: This is a pet-free site. No dogs or other animals are allowed on Village grounds and parking lots.
E-Mail: memorylanecarshow@inaxess.ca
22nd 2nd annual Lake Doucette Motor Speedway car show (rain date 23rd) All makes and models welcome Hectanooga Rd. Salmon River, Yar. Co; Reg 9 am show 9-3. With over 100 beautiful vehicles expected to register, 25 vendor booths, Live Music By FREE ADMISSION, Salmon River Volunteer Fire Department & Sparky, Clare Search & Rescue, Hope For Wildlife, Yarmouth Big Bounce Rentals, The Sugar Hut & SO MANY VENDORS!! Trophies For Each Category (This year we have included, Best Motorcycle and Best Import) People’s Choice Awards, VOTE ON YOUR FAVORITE VEHICLE AND FAVORITE BOOTH!! Hot Food Canteen, Mardi Gras Theme & Prizes For Best Decorated Booth, 50/50, Silent Auction…. AND SO MUCH MORE!!! Only $5 admission, kids 12 and under Poster
Doug Shand Contact Phone #: 9026351658 Contact Email: dougashand@gmail.com
22nd Wentworth Recreation Centre Show & Shine, Classic all invited, 13752 Highway 4, Wentworth. Registration 10 am Show 10-4.
Canteen available all day in Rec Ctr Breakfast starting at 9 am in Rec Ctr Entrance Fee by Donation For Cars In the show Admission $2.00 under 12 free.
Contact Sandra Mayne: 1-902-899-8583, E-Mail: sandra.mayne@ns.sympatico.ca
22nd St. Andrew's Annual Car Show, St. Andrew's Church 2553 St. Margaret’s Bay Rd Timberlea, Show from 10 - 2. Join other car enthusiasts and share your love of vintage, classic, muscle cars and motorcycles, and help raise funds for the good works of St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. Registration to show your vehicle is free and admission to view these beautifully maintained vehicles is by donation.
E-Mail: bev.higgins@bellaliant.net
1st Hantsport Canada Day Car Show at HMCC, Classic but all are welcome. 6 Main St, Hantsport. Registration: 8:30 am, Show 10 - 3.
Free will offering for registration. HMCC is a large outdoor recreation property. Our car show takes place on the Billy Cleveland and Heidi Lynn Memorial ball fields. You will access this area of HMCC from Porters Ave. entrance. Website, Poster.
6th Shore Cycle & Marine 45th Anniversary, Motorcycle Show & Shine. 7940 Highway 3, Mahone Bay. Registration: 8 am, Show 10 - 2.
There is no entrance fee for the Show & Shine, we’re just asking for a nonperishable item or monetary donation to the food bank. We are not categorizing motorcycles; judging will be done for the top 3 best in show. Johnny Boulay with “Music in a Box” will be on site from 10 – 5.
The Salty Shore Riders charity BBQ will help this very generous organization whose mandate is to make a difference in the lives of the many Children and Women in need in our province. Website, Poster.
7th Lobster Bash Show & Shine All Invited. Cars, Pickups, Big Rigs & Bikes Water Street Digby Registration 9 am Show 10-3
The event is on Water Street in downtown Digby. The downtown area is closed to regular traffic, show vehicles only. Registration is free. Prizes include plaques, cash, and merchandise. Contact Phil 902-247-1313 Email: lobsterbash@hotmail.ca
Website: https://www.lobsterbash.ca
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100047337774507
Poster (Jpeg): 2024 Lobster Bash Show & Shine Poster copy.jpg
12th Cruise-In, Hosted by the Annapolis Valley Cruiser's, Antique, Classic and Customs, Walmart Plaza Parking lot, Greenwood.
6 pm - 9 pm, rain or shine. Poster
E-Mail: terrylee@xcountry.tv
13th 2nd Annual Tracadie & District Volunteer Fire Department Show & Shine Cars, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, tractors 10205 Highway 4 Monastery Registration 9 am Show 10 - 3. There will be a BBQ with food & drinks, as well as homemade strawberry shortcake. There will be live music, trophies for every class, and a 50/50 draw. There will be T-shirts for sale. Admission cost is $5 per person, children under 12 are free. No dogs or bicycles. There will be dash plates for the first 100 cars. Followed by an old-time rock and roll dance in the evening, from 9 pm- 1 am. Kelsey Mattie kelsey_mattie@hotmail.com
13th Vintage Vdubbers, a local classic VW dedicated group, is having a morning car show at the Steele Volkswagen dealership on Windmill Road in Dartmouth, at the bottom of Burnside Industrial Park. The show runs from 9:00 am til 1:00 pm.
For VW owners, bring your classic air-cooled and liquid-cooled VW or even your older Porsche. For spectators, come and see a great selection of VWs from the 1950s and up. Included are Beetles, Karman Ghia’s, VW Buses including Westfalias, vans, trucks, Rabbits, Golfs, and more.
19-20th 45th Roaring 20's Antique Auto Club's: The Yarmouth Car Show Antiques and Classics but Open to all participants and vehicles Main Street, Yarmouth Registration 8 am show 9-3 Friday 7 pm: Car Parade along Starrs Rd and Main St, Gathering beforehand in West parking lot of The Yarmouth Mall Saturday 10 am - 3 pm: Car Show on Main
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/roaringautos
Name: John Hubbard Phone #: 19027405986 Email: roaringautos@gmail.com Poster CAR SHOW 2024 POSTER CONCEPT 1.jpeg
21st Autos for Autism Nova Scotia (Rain date Aug 4th) 1490 Westwood Street, Kingston. Registration: 10:30 am, Show 12 - 3. Join us for this year’s Autos for Autism Nova Scotia Car Show! Entry will be by free-will donation and car registration will be $10, There will be a 50/50 draw, music, a BBQ, and prizes! All funds raised will go directly back into supporting the local autism community in the Annapolis Valley, through local programs and services that help Autistic individuals find gainful employment, build support networks, learn new skills, and so much more. Website, Facebook, Poster.
21st 2nd Annual Bear River Cherry Carnival Car Show, 1277 River Road, Bear River. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3. Kick off the 131st Bear River Cherry Carnival with the 2nd Annual Bear River Cherry Carnival Car Show. Facebook, Poster.
27th Wings & Wheels RCAF Centennial Car Show, Greenwood (Rain Date 28th) 1 Ward Road (14 Wing, CANEX Parking Lot)
Antique, Classic, & Special Interest Invited, Registration Time: 10 am, Show 10 - 3:30.
250 classic, antique, and special interest cars parked in the shade of the Museum’s nine outdoor aircraft. Free guided tours inside Hercules, Challenger, Aurora, Labrador, and H44 twin-rotor helicopters. Spectators will also get to peer inside and learn about the Lancaster, Neptune, and T-Bird, and an Argus joins the flock to provide extra shade. Indoors, check out a WWII Bristol Bolingbroke, Anson, ¾ scale Spitfire, and Sperwer drone, and enjoy all the other amazing displays inside the air-conditioned museum.
The 14 Wing Jazz Combo will entertain with live music, Airshow Atlantic tickets will be on sale, BBQ and fish & chips truck will be on site, and the Canex Mall will be open to all. Free Iltis Jeep rides, workshop demos, a car weigh station ($5), and a fly past is planned to commemorate the RCAF’s 100th birthday.
Free admission for spectators. $5 to enter a vehicle in the show earns the chance to win one of 21 etched-glass trophies and $1000 in prizes.
For more info contact: Dave Saulnier Email: denouvelleecosse@hotmail.com
After Wings And Wheels come for supper at​ Valley Wide Ribfest in 904 central ave Greenwood don't forget to come say hi to Winnie!
28th Cruise n' Drag Car Show, 80 Airport Road, Greenfield. Registration: 9:30 am, Show 10 - 4. All welcome, Please make sure you sign the speed waiver. Dot helmet, closed-toe shoes, and long pants are required if you decide to take your car down the track. Cars can go down the track to do the 1/8th mile.
28th Lobster Bash Show & Shine, Water Street, Digby. Cars, Pickups, Big Rigs, & Motorcycles. Registration: 8:30 am, Show 10 - 3.
There will be prizes. Poster
3rd 2nd Annual Klahanie Kamping Car Show All cars invited, 1144 Victoria Road Aylesford Registration 12, Show 1-3
Car Show- Food & Drinks- Prizes Top 3 Choices- Live Music Tyler Salaman Poster: Classic Car Show Flyer - Made with PosterMyWall (1).jpg
contact: Erika 9028479316 Email: Klahaniekamping@av.eastlink.ca
Website: https://www.klahaniekamping.ca
3rd Avon River Days, 237 Wentworth Road, Windsor. Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 3. The car show will take place at the Hants County Exhibition Grounds, All invited, Any arrivals on the day of, who have not previously registered, will be entered on a first-come, first-serve basis as space allows. Website, Facebook, Poster.
4th Ed MacIntyre Memorial Car Show, All vehicles invited, Big Pond Fire Department, Big Pond. Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 5.
Breakfast from 9 - 11:30 (fundraiser for the volunteer fire department); canteen with burgers, hot dogs, and fries.
Best vehicle awards. E-Mail: mkolanko@ns.sympatico.ca
(New Date)11th Barrington Show and Shine, 2517 Nova Scotia Trunk 3, Barrington, Registration: 8 am, Show 9 - 3. The show is at the Ralph memorial ball field. Canteen on grounds, trophies and prizes awarded.
10th Make A Wish Show & Shine 9 Annual (Rain Date: 11-Aug-2024) All makes and models invited 190 ferry s.t Sydney Registration 10am Show 11-4 Make A Wish Show & Shine Hosted by The Cape Breton Mustang Club all proceeds go to Make A Wish. All makes and models
Jamie Hillier Phone #: 9025494357 Email: jamiehillier1976@hotmail.com
Poster (Jpeg): Show & Shine 2024.jpeg
10th Halifax Car Club 1st Annual Car Show All invited 66 Otter Lake CT Halifax Reg:10 show 10-4 Charity car show Admission is $20 (includes entry for driver and car) Spectators $20 A portion will go to charity & Steele Wheels for admission to museum Contact: Justin
Email: justinjohnston94@gmail.com
Poster (Jpeg): Photoroom-20240213_165857~2.png
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556614614629&mibextid=ZbWKwL
** Instagram page Link *" https://www.instagram.com/halifaxcarclub?igsh=MTF0M215dmdlN3FqbQ==
10th Wings & Wheels, 20 Sky Blvd, Goffs. Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 2. The Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum (ACAM) is hosting our 6th Annual Wings and Wheels Car Show Event, Wings and Wheels will feature antique, classic, and exotic cars for the community to enjoy, there will also be a free BBQ and refreshments, games, and a raffle. Admission to the Museum is by donation. If you are interested in showcasing your car we ask that you call as soon as possible so that we can reserve a parking space for you. Our phone number is (902) 873-3773 and our hours of operation are 9 am - 5 pm, 7 days a week. In years past, our Wings and Wheels Event has served to bring together our surrounding community and engage many people who might be otherwise unaware of this cultural gem. We hope to see you at our event, and would greatly appreciate any contribution you can make. Website, Facebook.
NEW DATE 11th Middleton Lions Antique Car Show, 41 School St, Middleton. Registration: 8 am, Show: 9 - 2. 14th annual Lions Show and Shine, held on the grounds of the MacDonald Museum and Centennial Park Middleton. The museum is open free to the public on the day, water splash pad in the park for the kids, Lions BBQ, and DJ music.
E-Mail: jamatoy74@hotmail.com
11th Lake and Shore Days Annual Car Show and Food Truck Rally, 40 Inspiration Dr, Porters Lake. Registration: 9 am, Show 11 - 2. Car Show, all cars welcome. Admission for Cars: $10.00 Admission for Spectators: $2.00. On-site will be food trucks, bouncy castles, face painting. Website, Facebook, Poster.
11th The 49th Annual Eastern Passage / Cowbay Summer Carnival Car Show, Island View High School, Caldwell Road, Eastern Passage.
17th Aaron & Jolene 5th Memorial Car Show, (Rain date Aug 18th)
Antique Car Show 30+years (1994 or older), 33 Terminal Rd -Plaza Ford Sales Ltd. Sydney, Registration 10 am, Show 11 - 3
Antique Memorial Car Show in memory of Jolene Oliver, Emily Tuck, and Aaron Tuck. Poster
email: aaronjolenecarshow@gmail.com
17th Memorial Auto Show, Henry Hensey Drive, Liverpool. Registration: 8 am, Show 8 - 4. Classic/antique/motorcycles/big rigs,
Awards at 3. Poster
17th Ok Tire /JAC Car Show, (Rain date Aug 24th) 1262 Bridge St, Greenwood. Registration: 10 am Show 11 - 3. Car Show hosted by OK Tire in support of the Junior Adventurers Club, a non-profit outdoor adventure program for kids. Website, Poster.
17th 12th Annual Maitland Volunteer Fire Depart Auxiliary Car Show (Rain date 18th Aug), 8907 NS-215, Maitland.
Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 2. Free admission for show vehicles, $5 admission for spectators. The first 50 entries receive a T-Shirt and dash plaque. Music, draws, BBQ, and 50/50 draw. All invited. Facebook
18th DARTMOUTH DODGE MOPAR SHOW (Rain Date: 25 Aug) 61 Athorpe Dr, Dartmouth. Registration: 8:30 am, Show 10 - 1. ALL CHRYSLER VEHICLES, ALL DIVISIONS, PAST AND PRESENT. Poster
18th 12 Wing RCAF Centennial Car Show Shearwater, Registration: 10 am, Show 11 - 2. SEA KING CLUB - 242 Warrior Ave, Shearwater.
Registration for event/prizes: $20 per car. Cyclone helicopter available for photos with vehicles. Spectators entrance by donation. All proceeds go directly to constructing a children's playground as part of the 12 Wing RCAF Legacy Project at the Shearwater Air Park. OPEN TO TRUCKS - MOTORCYCLES - CARS, Government-issued I.D. required for entry. Website, Facebook, Poster.
For more info contact: jasonmillerisretired@gmail.com
22nd NSPE/Creative Auto Images Car Show Cruise In Night, 5:30 pm-8:00 pm. Bible Hill.
The Creative Auto Images Car Show Cruise In Night at the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition during Exhibition week 2024. Free admission for participants and spectators. Door prizes. DJ. Food trucks. Pre-register with Kyle at Creative Auto Images or register on-site. Truro Raceway, Bible Hill. Main St car wash/Horseman Club entrance. 5:30-8:00 pm.
E-Mail: andrew_peterson_15@hotmail.com, Poster
24th Three Forty Auto 10th Anniversary Show and BBQ all invited All years, makes, models welcome! Special Interest, Collector car, Motorcycles, soap box, three-wheelers, WHATEVER! 340 Hwy 340 Hebron 9:30-1:30 THIS IS A NO REGISTRATION EVENT Simply show up, hang out, meet great folks, and order some fantastic eats from Terrys Traeger!
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1319060668788771?ref=newsfeed Brent Bullerwell Phone #: 9027404117
Email: threefortyauto@gmail.com Poster three forty 10th annv show poster concept 1.jpeg
24th 4th Annual Northside Boys Show Your Ride Event (Rain Date: 25-Aug) Classic, Antique, or special interest Main Street Sydney Mines
Registration 10- show 12-5 Come out to the Northside Boys' 4th annual Show Your Ride Event for your chance to win a trip to the Barrett-Jackson! We have vendors, a craft show, kids' play zone, and some of the best prizes in the Maritimes.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/911185460607553/
Name: Johnny Paquet
Contact Phone #: 902-579-8344
Contact Email: thenorthsideboys@gmail.com
Poster (Jpeg): 2024 SHOW YOUR RIDE.jpg
24th Paydirt Auto Show (Rain Date Sep 15th) Japanese Car Show, 7310 Nova Scotia Trunk 14, Nine Mile River,
Registration: 9 am, Show 8 - 2, All Japanese makes welcome. Old and new
24th Graves Island Memorial Show & Shine (Rain Date Aug 25th) Graves Island, East Chester. Registration: 8 am, Show 10 - 4. Glenn Veinot and Robert Stevens had been members of Maritime Mopar Association who held their car show in Victoria Park in Truro. They went to Sandy and Lynn Colter who ran the show and they told Glenn and Robert that they'd help them organize a show closer to home once they found a spot for one. In 1992, they got permission from Natural Resources to hold a show at Graves Island. Sandy, Lynn, Burt Ettinger, and Donnie Roach came out to help the first couple of years... and the rest is history. This car show is one of the favorites for both car owners and spectators. Come out and attend our 29th show and shine! Poster
25th Atlantic Region Car Show, Saxon Street, Centreville. All Invited, Registration: 10 am, Show 12 - 3. Food onsite, Trophies, Family Tire - tire giveaway.
31st Retro Rides 2nd Annual (Rain Date Sept 1st) All invited, 9 Station Road, Tatamagouche. Registration 10 am Show 11 - 3. Music, bbq, car competition
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557015719832
Name: Wendy Marshall Phone #: 19029563294 Black and White Modern Classic Car Show Flyer.png
31st CSB Canada Charity Carshow, 7054 Hwy 12, Kentville. Set up time: 9 am, Show 10 - 2. The Event supports CSB Canada’s local Stockade and Girls Alive children’s program. Registration by donation, there is a combination of pavement and grass, there are prizes, 50/50, BBQ by donation, guest vendor Potters Fudge. Sponsored by New Hope Wesleyan Church and The Other Guys Automotive
31st Buses by the Beach, Lawrencetown Beach, Lawrencetown. Registration: 8 am, Show 8 - 1. All vintage VW’s welcome. Free BBQ for lunch. Poster
1st Berwick & District Gala Day's Car Show, Rainforth Park, Berwick. Show starts at 11 am.
7th 4th Annual Village of Aylesford Car Show (Rain Date Sep 8th), St. Mary's Elementary School, 1276 Victoria Rd. Show 11 - 3.
Free admission to participants and spectators, Categories to include hot rods, antiques, tractors, motorcycles, sports cars, etc.
Trophies to be awarded and prizes to be won, Free pizza and children's activities, Canteen available
8th Island Tire Car Show, Neville Park Whitney Pier, Sydney. Registration: 12 - 1, Show 1 -3. If you’re proud of your ride, come show it off!
Free admission Charity BBQ proceeds to the Whitney Pier youth club. Website, Poster. E-Mail: atom.bomb17@hotmail.com
14th Cape Breton Classic Cruisers Annual Fall Classic (Rain Date: 15-Sep), Sydney, Registration 9 am show 11 - 5
Pre-registration and meet and greet Friday evening at 6 pm at the stage behind the Civic Centre on the Esplanade. Live band and open to the public Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/189821407820051
Name: Brenda Alexander Phone #: 9023046458 Email: cbclassic.cruisers@gmail.com
15th Waverley Gold Rush Days Car Show, located on the Waverley Village Green. Presented by Wayne's Hot Rods & Customs, Registration: 7:30 am Show 8 - 1. First come first serve as space is limited. Any questions please inbox or email wayneshotrodscustoms@gmail.com
21st Rick Roods Cruise-In, 1015 Maple St. Waterville Rec. Park, Waterville. Registration: 11 am Show 11 - 4. The pre-show cruise will leave the Tranny shop parking lot at 10 am sharp! E-Mail: terrylee@xcountry.tv, Poster
21st MacIntyre Chev Buick GMC All GM Car Show, 101 Disco Street, Sydney. All GM vehicles welcome, Registration: 9 am, Show 10 - 4.
The Show is hosted by the Cape Breton Classic Cruisers Car Club. All GM vehicles are invited regardless of their age. There will be People's Choice trophies, a food truck on-site, a 50/50 draw, and participant t-shirts. There is no registration fee but donations are being accepted for the Hospice and Palliative Care Society of Cape Breton. E-Mail: cbclassic.cruisers@gmail.com
28th Spryfield Antique Classic Custom Car Show (Rain Date: 29 Sep), Spryfield Mall, 16 Dentith Road, Halifax. Registration: 10 am,
Show: 11 - 2, BBQ, Live Music. Prizes and Awards. Website, Facebook, Poster.
E-Mail: bruce@discoverspryfield.ca
28th Annual Mill Village Meet and Greet (Rain Date: 5 Oct), 8 Medway River Rd., Mill Village, Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 2.
Annual meet and greet will be held at the Riverbank General Store in Mill Village. All classics and special interest vehicles are welcome. Refreshments are available at the store.
28th Halifax Car Club Fall Fest Car Show (Rain Date: 29 Sep), 66 Otter Lake Ct. Halifax. Registration: 10 am, Show 10 - 3. All invited show. Come out and enjoy cool cars with cool people at Steele Wheels! $10.00 per person including spectators! Poster
6th Rally in the Musquodoboit Valley Annual Event Classic Car Show all Classics invited
190 Exhibition Grounds Road Middle Musquodoboit Reg: 9 show 10-3 The Rally in the Musquodoboit Valley is an annual event on the first Sunday of October rain or shine. This is a fundraiser event sponsored by the Musquodoboit Valley Lions Club all proceeds going to support children’s camps Camp Brigadoon a camp for children with all types of disabilities, Camp Lion Maxwell a camp for children with type 1 diabetes, and IWK Ronald MacDonald House. Food, October Fest Sausage w/Saurkraut, Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Strawberry shortcake, cinnamon buns, tea, coffee, soft drinks, water. Prize draws, 50/50 draw last year's winning ticket was worth $1700.00. Free entry for car owners and spectators over 16 years of age is $5.00
Gerry Walker Phone #: 902-324-0615 Email: gdwalker@ns.sympatico.ca Poster (Jpeg): IMG_0590.jpeg

9-13 2025 Atlantic Nationals This is going to be a Bucket List, Car-Loving, 5 day weekend that you won’t want to miss. It’s your chance to enjoy some of our famous Maritime hospitality, make new friends, and reconnect with old ones in scenic downtown Moncton, New Brunswick. We welcome upwards of 2,000 vehicles from all across the continent and beyond.​ The Atlantic Nationals is organized by a team of dedicated car enthusiasts who work tirelessly, without remuneration, for the satisfaction of a job well done
REGISTER HERE Show Schedule Atlantic Nationals Website HERE Facebook NEWS page Facebook Fanpage group